Les processions de structures géantes portées sur les… (Italie)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2013
EN: The eight Lilies come from the districts of the city centre since the early hours of Sunday morning, each rocked by 200 men, who "will be dancing" the Lily for the following 24 hours.
EN: Two generations under the Lily: the passion and love for the feast handed down to those who will rock the Lily in the future and to those who will talk about it to the new generations, over and over.
EN: The Varia, 16 meters high and weighing nearly 200 quintals, is rushed by 200 'Mbuttaturi, who, at sunset on the last Sunday of August, repeat gestures and emotions dating back to 500 years.
EN: The “Varia di Palmi”, which dates back to the sixteenth century, since 1901 is "mechanical" because it uses moving parts; the Sun, the Moon, still perfectly working thanks to the knowledge handed down by craftsmen who build the Structure.
EN: For 700 years, on August 14, the Candle Bearers have been proceeding in a row on the main street of the historical centre of the town, dancing to the charming sound of fifes and drums even for 10 hours.
EN: Already in 1531 a statute regulated the entry of Candle Bearers in the Church of St. Mary of Bethlehem: the Farmers, the Merchants, the Tailors, the Shoemakers, the Bricklayers, the Carpenters, the Pastors, the Gardeners and the Carters.
EN: The Structure, weighing nearly 50 tons, advances lit by torches through the narrow streets of the historical centre of Viterbo illuminating the dark of night. The route has always been the same, since 1300.
EN: The 133 porters are the engine of the Structure. The transport depends on their strength and experience thus renovating the feelings of sharing and solidarity that characterize all the Corporations of the Network.
EN: The Network Communities which have been talking to each other for six years, have organized a three days’ celebration with moments of games for the Corporations of the feasts and exhibitions on the festive traditions of the four cities.
EN: On December 2010, the festive communities, with the sponsorship of Rome, met the Italian cultural and political institutions in order to discuss the measures to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage represented by the feasts.