La pratique agricole traditionnelle de la culture de la… (Italie)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2014
EN: The head trained bush vine seen from above in the characteristic terracings of Pantelleria. The nominated element has helped preserving the landscape in the island for centuries.
EN: Two vine growers of Pantelleria working with their horses to clean the ground. On the hills and on the terracings of the island only the horses or the donkeys can help the vinegrowers in their work.
EN: An old vine grower is preparing the ground to plant the vines, making the hollows at the right distance one from another.
EN: A vine grower pruning the plant, in order to ensure the right proportion between foliage and roots. ln this way, the vine will grow in its hollow, protected from atmospheric agents
EN: The head trained bush vines in winter. The vine lost its foliage and the vine grower still works for the maintenance of the vineyard, assuring that the vine grows exactly in the hollow to be repaired from atmospheric agents.
EN: The new planted vine in its "cradle"-hollow, just planted by the vine grower still on his knees, almost protecting the plant with his body.
EN: A vine in its hollow during the spring season. A close up of the vines of the island cultivated through the nominated agricultural practice.
EN: A young man helping his father vinegrower in the maintainance of the vineyard.
EN: A family of vine growers of the island still mantains the tradtion of manually harversting the vines. It's a moment of joy long waited for the whole year
EN: A family portrait in its little vineyard, fundamental part of its cultural identity. Most of the islanders still own vineyards and still grow vine as a laborious pastime allowing them to perpetrate the tradition of their ancestors