Ebru, l’art turc du papier marbré (Türkiye)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2014
EN: Outer cover of a book ornamented with art of Ebru. Its published date is estimated as 17th century.
EN: Practicing and seeing art of Ebru is a mesmerizing experience. The artist flicks his or her wrist and draws the pattern with brighthful color onto the liquid surface.
EN: One of the prominent masters Sadrettin Ozçimi is performing art of Ebru with his special tools dyes at the workshop (Istanbul)
EN: Satisfied with the design which is exactly what was planned, the artist, Mahmut Peşteli, is placing paper very gently across the wet surface.
EN: Hikmet Barutçugil teaching distinctive features of Ebru to his apprentices at the workshop (Istanbul).
EN: One of the known masters Fuat Başar, declared as Living Human Treasure in 2009 in Turkey, is teaching his apprencites the way of pulling off paper to reveal the design that has been transferred onto it.
EN: Finished patterns are left on shelves to dry.
EN: From the very youngest to the oldest, every individual can learn and draw Ebru. This young boy, Barbaros Pusatcioglu, is posing with his pattern.
EN: Families support their children to practice and learn Ebru from masters in its traditional way. Having pulled away the pattern from the basin, this young girl, Zulal Pusatcioglu, shows her emotions as she reveals her work with Master, Nuri Pinar.
EN: The icazetname, certification showing that the person achieved the required competence and skills for being an ebru artist, given by the master Mustafa Düzgünman to Fuat Başar. In the icazetname, Ebru is used as background and calligraphy mentions Başar's achievements.
EN: Making Ebru (Marbling Art), Fuat Başar (who was declared Living Human Treasure in 2009 by Turkey) is working at the workshop in the Foundation of Classic Turkish Arts (Istanbul)
EN: Fuat Başar (who was declared Living Human Treasure in 2009 by Turkey) is working at the workshop in the Foundation of Classic Turkish Arts (Istanbul)
EN: Hikmet Barutçugil teaching how to prepare dye for ebru at the workshop, (Istanbul)
EN: Hikmet Barutçugil teaching ebru to his apprentice at the workshop, (Istanbul)
EN: Yılmaz Enes performing ebru at the workshop, (Istanbul)
EN: Mahmut Peşteli performing ebru at the workshop, (Istanbul)
EN: Ayla Makas performing ebru at the workshop, (Istanbul)
EN: Sadrettin Özçimi performing ebru at the workshop, (Istanbul)
EN: A Sample of Battal Ebru. Created by Sadrettin Özçimi (Istanbul)
EN: Bahtiyar Hıra performing ebru at the workshop (Ankara)