La fête de « la Mare de Déu de la Salut »… (Espagne)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2011
EN: Entry of the "Mare de Déu" in the BasilicaEntry of the "Mare de Déu" in the Basilica
EN: Muixeranga in the entry of the "Mare de Déu" in the BasilicaMuixeranga in the entry of the "Mare de Déu" in the Basilica
EN: Muixeranga: Presentation of the newborn childrenMuixeranga: Presentation of the newborn children
EN: Muixeranga: Staging of the WaterwheelMuixeranga: Staging of the Waterwheel
EN: Dance of "Els bastonets"Dance of "Els bastonets"
EN: Dance of the "Carxofa"Dance of the "Carxofa"
EN: Dance of 'les Llauradores"Dance of 'les Llauradores"
EN: Dance of "les pastoretes"Dance of "les pastoretes"
EN: Dance of "Els Tornejants"Dance of "Els Tornejants"
EN: Dance of "Els Tornejants"Dance of "Els Tornejants"