Le Jultagi, marche sur corde raide (République de Corée)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2011
EN: Chilbojeomnangan (leaping and sitting on the rope), performed by the skill holder Kim Dae-gyun.
EN: Climbing a rope
EN: Jul aniri (Narration and dialogue from the rope).
EN: Landing after kochagi (Kicking in mid-air).
EN: Oehongjaebi (Sitting and leaping with one foot on the rope).
EN: Heogongjaebi (Turning in mid- air).
EN: Angeum Ttwigi (hopping on one foot).
EN: Mimicking an old gossip’s skittish walk.
EN: Jung Taryeong (Dance of the Monk).
EN: Eoreum jichigi (Sliding down the rope).
EN: Traditional music is played during the performance
EN: A tightrope walker on the rope
EN: A performer mimicking a middle-aged woman's walk on the tightrope
EN: A clown dressed up in the nobleman's robe amuses people, pretending tightrope waling on the ground
EN: Kneeling down on a rope
EN: A rite praying for safety of the performer
EN: A lesson of Jultagi for children
EN: A tightrope walker dressed up in the Buddhist monk's robe
EN: The master singing on the life of Buddhist monks
EN: Cross-legged on a rope