Les tours humaines (Espagne)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2010
EN: The Castellers de Barcelona attempt a September nine-stage castell in the Catalan capital's Sant Jaume square during the Mercè festival.
EN: Castells depend on the joint effort of young and old alike to achieve the greatest displays.
EN: A three-of-ten foIre and manilles raised by the Castellers de Vilafranca. Achieving castells with ten stages in the late 20th century broke new boundaries.
EN: The pinya - in this case by the Minyons de l'Arboç - is open to enthusiasts in the audience who want to take part.
EN: White trousers, black cummerbund and the colla's distinctive colour shirt are the main elements of the castells group members' costume.
EN: The five-of-nine - like this one raised by the Minyons de Terrassa - is a composite tower that needs a foIre for it to be raised successfully.
EN: The lower levels of the castells are normally occupied by strongly-built men.
EN: The youngest children have been using head protection for the last three years, like in this castell by the Nens del Vendrell.
EN: When the enxaneta, the small child who climbs the highest, reaches the top of the castell, he or she raises their hand and waves. This gesture is known as fer l'aleta.
EN: The music played on the traditional gralla and the drums accompanies the raising of the castells.