Le Kolam, dessins et motifs rituels ornant les seuils des… (Inde)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2011
EN: Kolam is a daily prayer for protection and prosperity on the threshold of a wayside shrine, Tamil Nadu
EN: Ritual Kolam is part of collective imagination of Tamil women : Earth is first swept c1ean and then purified by sprinkling of water mixed with cow dung.
EN: Deft drawing of Kolam is executed only by women and traditional knowledge is passed from mother to dauqhter, Mylapore, Chennai
EN: The symmetrical Kolam expressive of cultural ideals is drawn in white rice powder or crushed limestone,Thirvannamali
EN: Kolam means guise or appearance. A mendicant in "Ramar Kolam" stands on a threshold Kolam, Chennai
EN: The protective Kolam is an endless knot. The skilfully devised labyrinthine Kolam ensnare and destroy harmful spirits.
EN: Symmetrical Kolam drawn on a dotted grid is based on geometry and mathematical principles, Mylapore, ChennaL
EN: Kolam patterns guided by grid of dots are an auspicious sign and symbol, Thirvannamalai
EN: The ephemeral art of Kolam 'glorifies the earth' and thereby bridges nature, art and culture, Mylapore, Chennai
EN: Elaborate Kolam crowned by pumpkin flower is fervent prayer during Winter Solstice in the Tamil month of margazhi (15 Dec. 14 Jan.), ThirvannamalaL