Ultimas noticias y reuniones
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Ratificación de la Convención el
14 de febrero de 2006Leer la Convención en: [name_language]
Miembro del Comité
Miembro del Comité
Nicaragua (2010 - 2014)Listas de elementos del PCI
2 elementos inscritos
Inventory of the intangible cultural heritage of traditional and religious festivities in the municipalities of Bluefields, Diriamba, León, El Viejo and Masaya
Monto (US$) 100.000
Capacity building for community leaders and public managers to safeguard the living heritage of Afro-descendant communities in the SICA region and Cuba
Monto (US$) 99.986
Exchange of experiences and cultural dialogues for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage of Afro-descendant peoples through the preparation of inventories in the SICA region and Cuba
Monto (US$) 99.990
Strengthening national capacities for effective safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Central America
Monto (US$) 230.770
Oral traditions and expressions of Rama people
Monto (US$) 9.695
Plan de Acción para la salvaguardia de la lengua, la danza y la música de los garifunas
Monto (US$) 226.000
Plan de acción para la salvaguardia del Güegüense
Monto (US$) 109.384