Shakespeare Mas', un componente tradicional del carnaval… (Granada)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2024
EN: Shakespeareans getting ready for portrayal at Kayak Mas in 2023
EN: Fully uniformed with bull-whip in hand, this shakespearean is ready for recital of literature by Julius Caesar
EN: This shakespeare mas player went down on his knees in order to get his point accross during portrayal
EN: This player is fully uniformed and ready for mas on Carnical Tuesday of Kayak Mas
EN: Another shakespearean who is in the midst of shakespeare mas display on Carnival Tuesday of Kayak Mas
EN: Nathan Dick is only twelve years and already passionate about shakespeare. It is obvious in the way he is well uniformed and ready to deliver his lines of shakespeare on Carnival Tuesday in 2023
EN: With his bull whip in hand, he is ready for a battle of literature from the book Julius Caesar. He is a member of the Hero group from Mt Royal
EN: Nichodi Noel is another youn shakespearean in Carricou who learnt the mas from a young age from his parents. Here he is in action on Carnival Tuesday in 2023 displaying the mas.
EN: Colorfully dressed in uniform ready to showcase shakespeare mas at Kayak Mas in 2023. He is a member of the Freeport masqueradors.
EN: This shakespeare mas player is in the middle of portrayal and is using some flare to get his speech across.