Peregrinación a Watt Town (Jamaica)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2024
EN: After receiving her message, a mother and child and fellow band member depart from home
EN: Departure ceremony: Revivalists receiving message from a leader to mark the closing of the day's activity
EN: On their way up to the site of Jamaica's most significant annual gathering of Revivalists
EN: A large band of Revivalists at the first stage of the arrival or welcoming ceremony at Watt Town
EN: The bringing of gifts b arriving Revivalists is an integral part of the welcoming ceremony
EN: Young people constitute a significant portion of Revival activity
EN: Departure ceremony at Watt Town Rivival
EN: Revival leader accepting gifts at the welcoming ceremony
EN: An arriving band of Revivalists dancing and chanting around a central flag pole as part of the welcoming ceremony
EN: Waiting their term for engagement in the departure ceremony at Watt Town