Fabricación y ejecución de gaita tradicional… (Macedonia del Norte, Turquía)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2024
EN: Handcraft process of making the melody pipe of the bagpipe, North Macedonia, 2022
EN: Bagpipe practitioner in natural rural environment, North Macedonia
EN: Bagpipe player on a stage during a rural festival organized by KUD Gayda from Injevo, North Macedonia
EN: Maker and performer checks the sound of a newly made Macedonian gajda (bagpipe), North Macedonia
EN: Concert - 19.04.2007 - with the musical accompaniment of two drums, North Macedonia
EN: Ankara Fine Arts High School Bagpipe Making Workshop, Türkiye
EN: Traditional tulum (bagpipe), Türkiye
EN: Tools and materials used in making bagpipe, Türkiye
EN: A young practitioner playing bagpipe, Türkiye
EN: Horon dance accompanying with bagpipe performance, Türkiye