Toque manual de campanas (España, Italia)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2024
EN: Villafranca Patronal Festival 2015. Veronese sound style, using the string. The bells turn 360 degrees and needs one person who call ‘the sign’. The bells are played on the ground floor, bringing the bells ‘a bicchiere’ (at the top, at 360 ’) and stopping them, and then being able to play sacred music
EN: National Meeting Verona 2015. In the squares of the heart of Verona there were seven mobile bell towers. The mobile bell tower has eight bells and is played by striking a keyboard (wooden keys). There are those who play with their bare hands and those who use pestles. This belfry is usually used for ‘sound in the schools’ or other street events where children/adults can try, by their hand, at playing the bells