Kebaya: knowledge, skills, traditions and practices (Brunei, Indonesia, Malasia, Tailandia, Singapur)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2024
EN: An instructor teaches her student how to sew a kebaya
EN: Kebaya is worn by ladies attending Brunei’s National Day Parade in February 2023
EN: Kebaya is an important attire in performing arts such as joget dances (pictured). The female dancer is in a white kebaya
EN: Young students in the vocational school SMK NU Banat, Indonesia are designing kebaya via a software
EN: Kebaya is an important attire in performing arts such as this dance (pictured) performed by Angsana Dance Community in Riau Archipelago, Indonesia
EN: Fashion designers share their expertise and exchange ideas on kebaya at a panel discussion in Jakarta, Indonesia, in February 2023, as part of a three-day workshop attended by members of the kebaya community from Indonesia and the other submitting States
EN: A lecturer instructs the students on how to make patterns for kebaya. Besides, female students, male students are also interested in learning about kebaya
EN: Students from Fashion and Design, College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) learn skills in fashion design, pattern making, garment making and embroidery of kebaya
EN: The Melaka Chetti (also known as Indian Peranakan) community in Malaysia are dressed in kebaya during a Melaka Food Promotion Festival. The Chetti community strongly encourages the wearing of kebaya from a young age
EN: Kebaya is a form of traditional attire worn at weddings
EN: Kebaya practitioner Heath Yeo demonstrating sulam (embroidery) of kebaya to children at the Stamford Arts Centre in Singapore in August 2022
EN: Kebaya is an important attire in performing arts such as this folk dance named “Gotong Royong” (pictured) performed by Sri Warisan and Gemilang Tari SG, where dancers are dressed in kebaya labuh
EN: Youths are dressed in kebaya for a cultural performance in the opening ceremony of the 8th Engagement Thailand National Academic Conference on 9 August 2022 in Trang province, Thailand
EN: The students of Buranarumluk School from Trang province, Thailand are learning about kebaya, other Baba-Nyonya attires and Peranakan culture and traditions at the Peranakan Phuket Museum, Thailand under the guidance of a docent
EN: Youths are learning about puppeteering at the Education Exhibition of Peranakan Culture in Bangkok, Thailand. In this showcase, the puppeteers and puppets are dressed in kebaya.