Negliubka textile tradition of Vetka District Gomel Region (Belarrús)
Candidatura: Lista de Salvaguardia Urgente 2025
EN: Negliubka. Consecration of water at the well for Baptism
EN: Negliubka. Decoration of the cemetery of Radunitsa
EN: Negliubka. Red corner in the house of M.I. Khalyukova
EN: L.V. Kovaleva with students of the 'Nitok' circle of the Negliub rural weaving center
EN: A banner for church needs, embroidered by the master Ostapenko S.M., 1940 year of birth
EN: Traditional women's clothing Negliubka
EN: L.V. Kovaleva with their ruchniks
EN: Fragment. Flax, wool, color loom weaving (Negliubka, Vetkovsky district)
EN: Fragment. Flax, wool, color loom weaving (Negliubka, Vetkovsky district)
EN: Fragment. Flax, wool, color loom weaving: spider, 'kapeiko', stars (Negliubka, Vetkovsky district)