Arte ecuestre en Portugal (Portugal)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2024
EN: Female rider dressed in Portuguese style in historic setting in Golegã
EN: Rider at filedwork near the mares herd. Detail of the artisan work of braiding the tail
EN: Horseman and horsewoman at the Golegã National Fair. She practices the 'monte à amazona' riding on one side of the saddle
EN: Working Equitation Carousel, the Pure Bred Lusitano International Festival, APSL, Manuel Possolo, hippodrome in Cascais
EN: Pilgrimage on horseback Moita - Viana do Alentejo covering about 150 kilometers. Tradition common to both municipalities, is one of the largest and most popular national equestrian events
EN: Child dressed in the Portuguese ridding costume, accompanied by a bull herdsmen at the Golegã National Fair
EN: Group of riders at S. Martinho Fair, in Golegã. Emphasis on the different coats of the horses and the diversity of the riders' costume
EN: Portuguese saddle in use at the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art. Stands out the pommels that allow the rider to better attach to the saddle, especially in the airs above the ground, and the details in alpaca representing the royal arms of King João V
EN: Rider of the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art reproducing a Capriole against the background of another one represented in Manoel Carlos de Andrade Treaty, from 1790
EN: Rider ofand horse from the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art, demonstrating the relationship of trust and co-dependency established between them resulting from years of daily work together