Técnica de fabricación de las cometas gigantes de… (Guatemala)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2024
EN: Barriletero artist gluing multi-coloured translucent wax paper on the kite canvas
EN: Barriletero securing the bamboo for the assembly of the kite structure
EN: Group of barrileteros assembling the kite
EN: Groups of barrileteros preparing to lift the kites and secure them to their base. Fairgoers observing the process
EN: Moment in which the groups of barrileteros begin to raise the kites to be exhibited at the fair. It is the moment in which they see the culmination of more than three months of work creating the giant kite. Fairgoers watch and capture the moment
EN: Elaboration of the design of the giant kite
EN: Barriletero artist gluing multi-coloured translucent wax paper on the kite canvas
EN: General view of the group of barrileteros creating the kite canvas
EN: Group of barrileteros assembling the kite
EN: Group of female barrileteras assembling the union between the kite structure and the canvas