Riego tradicional: conocimientos, técnica y organización (Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Italia, Luxemburgo, Países Bajos (Reino de los), Suiza)Candidatura: Lista representativa 2023
EN: The channels require regular sweeping and continuous supervision by the watermaster, Austria
EN: Knowledge concerning traditional irrigation is passed down from one family to the next, Austria
EN: Emploi de techniques modernes, Belgique
EN: Excavating the irrigation ditches is now done with an adapted milling machine and no longer manually, Belgium
EN: Visite de terrain – transmission du savoire-faire pour la restauration du canal de Cierreux – calcul du débit, Belgique
EN: Farmers demonstrate the use of traditional tools for digging small irrigation channels called 'Rinnen', Germany
EN: Educational safeguarding measure: Passing on knowledge about the technique and organization of traditional irrigation to younger generations, Germany
EN: 'Waaler' (ditch guardian) at Larginwaal on the Malser Haide (Italy) diverts the flow of water to the meadows below
EN: 'Waaler' (ditch guardian) at the water catchment at the Etsch/Adige River, Italy
EN: Four men sitting under trees with irrigation tools in discussion, Luxembourg
EN: Four men working on the irrigation ditch, Luxembourg
EN: Photo of channel with standing damming board, Netherlands
EN: Festivity after an informative tour around the water meadows, Netherlands
EN: Traditional slope irrigation in the Upper Valais (Switzerland): the water from the water channel is distributed over the meadow with the help of a watering axe
EN: Irrigation of the 'Oberi Matte' in the Oberaargau. The water boards are used to create an overflow to 'flood' the fields, Switzerland
EN: Chéneau en bois du Grand Bisse de Lens, Suisse