Festival Sango de Oyo (Nigeria)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2023
EN: ldaasa Divination by the Sango High Priest for the King and the Devotees, including men, women and children to know the message of the Creator for the Community
EN: Carrier of the Sacred Calabash containing the ingredients for sacrifice to Sango. Usually carried by an old woman or a young virgin. An old woman carried it in this instance.
EN: The Sango Koso High Priest on his way to the Sango Main Shrine at Koso to embody the spirit of the ancestral Sango at Koso
EN: The Bata drummers leading a procession of Sango Devotee sand the Oyo Community amidst drumming, dancing, singing and chanting in honour of Sango
EN: A ceremonial Sango Priest and devotees perform at the Palace Court for the King, invited dignitaries and the entire community
EN: The Alaafin, queens, dignitaries, children and community members seated in the Palace Court watching the performances
EN: The Queens giving performance of Calabash drumming during the grand finale of the Sango Festival at the Palace Courtyard while the King is seen approaching them, appreciating their act
EN: The Sango High Priest embodied with the ancestral Sango Spirit leads the procession round Oyo Community to bless the people before making his way to the Palace.
EN: The King leaving the palace arena at the approach of the ancestral Sango
EN: The Ancestral Sango is welcomed at the Palace by the most senior Queen, lya Naso