Durbar en Kano (Nigeria)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2024
EN: The women and palace musicians ushering the Emir of Kano to the outer court of the palace for the bodyguards prepare him for the horse ride
EN: The Emir utilizes sign language in communicating with the Shamaki Kano, the coordinator of the Emir's contingent responsible for his safety and comfort while the palace body guards look on
EN: The Chief of the Gunners who announces the presence of the Emir during the Durbar is dishing out instructions to his team
EN: The archers being briefed by their leader in the course of the Durbar procession
EN: Women and girls paying homage to the Emir along te procession trail which the Emir, sandwiched by his aides, acknowledges with a raised and folded fist.
EN: The musicians drumming and singing to entertain the horsemen and the people lining the procession routes in the course of the Durbar Festival
EN: The Shamaki Kano, coordinator of the Emir's contingent, instructing the Palace guards and the security men to clear the way for the smooth passage of the Emir during the Durbar
EN: The Emir on horse and under a parasol heading to the Kano State government house to greet the Governor during Durbar Festival
EN: Drummers and musicians flanked by Palace guards and horse riders are entertaining the audience as well as the entire participants along the Durbar procession trail
EN: A title holder flanked by some members of his contingent acknowledges the greetings from the audience while preparing for the rite of paying homage to the Emir during Jahi