Sistema de conocimiento ancestral de los cuatro pueblos… (Colombia)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2022
EN: Mamos of the Wiwa and Arhuaco people, participate in ritual to harmonize the word of man with the spiritual mandates
EN: Members of the Kankuamo community gather around to listen the word of the elder
EN: Kogui Mamo expresses the spiritual mandates in the river
EN: Members of the four indigenous communities participate in pagamento (retribution) ritual to mother Earth according to the spiritual mandates
EN: Kogui Saga weaving the traditional 'mochila'
EN: Kogui mamo performs 'Pagamento' (retribution to mother earth) in Kogui Sacred site
EN: Arhuaco woman weaving traditional 'mochila'
EN: Traditional housing of the indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
EN: Mamo of the Wiwa community looks to the horizon
EN: Members of the four indigenous people gather to prepare pagament (retribution) ritual