El Kun Lbokator, un arte marcial tradicional en Camboya (Camboya)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2022
EN: Bas-relief of Bayon temple (the end of 12th to early of 13th century) depicting various entertainments, which includes the martial arts performance during a festival
EN: Bas-relief of Bayon temple (the end of 12th to early of 13th century) depicting the training of martial arts
EN: Master Ith Pen, sitting in meditation in front of the altar of his Spiritual Master, God Vessovon
EN: Kun Lbokator apprentices demonstrating the martial arts techniques in front of the altar of the Spiritual Masters as an offerings and to obtain their recognition and protection
EN: Performance of Kun Lbokator as an offering to Neak Ta, the local protective Deity, during the Loeng Neak Ta festival
EN: Kun Lbokator techniques used in the performance of Chhay Yam, a type of traditional procession and welcoming dance
EN: Training of Kun Lbokator at Angkor Meanrith Club in Siem Reap
EN: Master Ith Pen and other Masters supervising over the training of his grandson/successor, Master Sen Sam Ath in Kampot Province
EN: Young Kun Lbokator trainers training Kun Lbokator to Chumpou Van secondary school's students, Phnom Penh
EN: Kun Lbokator training at Military Academy, Kampong Speu Province