La maderada (Alemania, Austria, España, Letonia, Polonia, Chequia)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2022
EN: A member of the Gauja River Rafters association is teaching a woman how to tie a raft properly, Latvia
EN: Younger and older rafters are concentrated while steering the timber raft on the wild river, Germany
EN: Rafts during their descent, in the last section of the tour kids are allowed to joint the rafters, Spain
EN: The daily life of a rater during rafting, Poland
EN: Dawn - the beginning of the rafting day, Poland
EN: Teamwork, experience and skills in raft building are essential for a timber raft trip, Germany
EN: Young German and Spanish rafters learn the craft together at a youth camp, Germany
EN: Installation of the rear and front cross-pieces, together with constructions (called 'Pastellen') to which the large rudder-oars are tied, Austria
EN: Logs piled up on the river bank are sild into the water to be bound together, Austria
EN: Joint workshops of the Latvian and Poland timber rafters, Latvia
EN: Gauja Raftsmen Festival. Visitors welcome rafts in Strenči town, Latvia
EN: Rafter leaving a church in Purkarec, South Bohemia, with their uniforms and flags, Czechia
EN: Rafters showing to children how to build a raft during annual Day with Rafters, Czechia
EN: Rafting in the Vistula River, Poland
EN: Raftsman and raftswoman connecting two sections of the raft using birch branches, Spain
EN: Rafters showing to children how to build a raft during annual Day with Rafters, Czechia
EN: People welcome rafters just descending Burgui's dam. This one of the most emotional moments of the day, Spain