El arte de la blusa tradicional con bordado en los hombros… (República de Moldova, Rumania)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2022
EN: Women from Cezieni sewing blouses with embroidery on the shoulder (altiţă), Romania
EN: Maria Cristea, holder of the Honorific Title 'Meșter Faur' together with her disciples, at the House of Folk Dress Casa Cristea (Moldova)
EN: Mihaela Oproiu, craftswoman’s Ecaterina Oproiu daughter from Breaza, Prahova County, sewing the embroidery on the shoulder (altiţa) of a blouse (Romania)
EN: Craftwoman Constantina Pistol teaching her apprentice needlepoint stitches for traditional blouses with altiţă (Romania)
EN: Women wich are sewing blouses with embroidery on the shoulder, named (altiţă) in Sezatoare Bucharest group (Romania)
EN: Presentation of blouses made in 2020 at the Village Museum, Chişnău (Moldova)
EN: Students from the Moldova State University, members of 'Crenguță de iederă' Band during a folk performance at Orheiul Vechi, Chişnău (Moldova)
EN: Talking with Matisse, Centre Pompidou, Paris (Romania)
EN: Girls’ dance at the end of the first Oina National Championship, in the Ghidighici commune, Chişnău municipality (Moldova)
EN: Children in newly made costumes, from 2020 at the Village Museum feast, Chişnău (Moldova)