Danza Mangwengwe (Zambia)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2024
EN: Acting Chief Mfwambo signing consent forms for the Cultural Affairs Officers
EN: During sensitization and consent getting in Nakonde District of Muchinga Province at Chieftainess Waitwika's Palace
EN: The Induna or Headman signing consent forms on behalf of the Chieftainess Waitwika at his residence in Nakonde District, Muchinga Province
EN: Children learning how to play traditional music instruments in Chief Mfwambo Chiefdom, Mbala District during the ceremony
EN: Mangwengwe practitoners dancing during the filming of a video in Mbala District, Chief Mfwambo Chiefdom
EN: Dance practitioners preparing to dance during the filming of the video in Chieftainess Waitwika's Chiefdom, Nakonde District, Muchinga Province
EN: Officers from the Department of Arts and Culture getting signing consent from community leaders, Group Leaders and Group rnembers in Mbala Distric, Mfwambo Chiefdom, before the filming
EN: Cultural Affairs Officers having a sensitization meeting with the community leaders, community group leaders and group members in Mbala District, Mfwambo Chiefdom
EN: Cultural Affairs Officlrs of the Department of Arts and Culture having a sensitization meeting with the community Leaders, community group leaders and group members in Nakonde District, Waitwika Chiefdom
EN: The Mwangwenga dance practitioners during a sensitization meeting with music instruments lined up on a reed map in front of the group and children as part of the group