Plato de harees: conocimientos, técnicas y prácticas (Arabia Saudita, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Omán)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2023
EN: A group of men gathered in a festive occasion eating the popular harees dish (United Arab Emirates)
EN: Purification and washing of wheat grains prior to the preparation of harees (United Arab Emirates)
EN: The popular harees dish ready to be served (Oman)
EN: Adding meat to the other ingredients to constitute the harees dish (Oman)
EN: Crushing and grinding all the ingredients intended for harees preparation with a mortar and pestle (Oman)
EN: Pestle or 'Mahbaj' is the main tool used to grind and blend wheat to become harees (Saudi Arabia)
EN: The circular motion used on the edge of the pot until the ingredients become consistently mashed (Saudi Arabia)
EN: Wheat or 'Habb' is the most essential ingredient in al harees dish (Saudi Arabia)