Música de violín de Kaustinen y prácticas y expresiones… (Finlandia)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2021
EN: The Kaustinen Folk Music Festival starts with local player's outdoor session which anybody knowing the tunes can join. It is an important occasion also for those who have moved elsewhere and come every year back to play with others
EN: The Köyhäjoki village ensemble at their village house stage, surrounded by village theatre group's props. Almost every Kaustinen village has its own group, with distinct tunes and stylistical traits besides those shared by all players of the region
EN: Purppuri dance at a wedding party. Traditional local dance and music is often present at community celebrations and rituals, like weddings, funerals and anniversaries ...
EN: Kaustinen Wedding Choirs' repertoire is local folk songs and fiddle tunes adapted to a choir. Their locally sewn costumes are designed adapting the model of old wedding costumes, with many symbolic details. Different colors symbolize different Kaustinen villages
EN: Näppäri is a Kaustinen-originating folk music pedagogy. The all-year Kaustinen Näppäri group is joined by several hundred players from all over Finland and sometimes abroad during Näppäri summer camp and Kaustinen festival
EN: Frigg is one of Kaustinen-originating folk music bands that create contemporary folk music with one foot on the tradition
EN: Fiddle player and builder Kimmo Anttila in his workshop. Many local players' instruments are built by players themselves or a local amateur or professional builder
EN: Kantele workshop. Kaustinen region kantele style and tunes are one of living local kantele traditions in Finland. The kantele tunes and fiddle tunes played at the region are partly same, partly different
EN: Kaustinen Youth Association dancers. The dancers' costumes are often home-woven
EN: Peltoniemi family members in three generations playing tunes by Kari Peltoniemi (left) and his late father Aldevin