Canto a varias voces de Horehronie (Eslovaquia)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2017
EN: Female vocal group at the Christmas performances in the village of Závadka nad Hronom
EN: Men from Vernár sing and dance with the music
EN: Folklore group from Heľpa in the farmyard
EN: Older women at the liturgy in the Greek Catholic church in Telgárt
EN: Singing in front of the church after the ceremony in Pohorelá
EN: Singing during the wedding ritual (putting the brides bonnet on her head) in Pohorelá
EN: Wedding ritual (paying a ransom for the bride) in Pohorelá
EN: Girls in front of the church in Heľpa
EN: Singers from villages of Šumiac, Pohorelá and Heľpa at festival Horehronské dni spevu a tanca in Heľpa (Horehronie days of singing and dancing in Heľpa)
EN: Singers from Vernár, Telgárt, Šumiac and Pohorelá at the Ceremony of inscription the element on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Slovakia