‘Kushtdepdi’, canto y danza tradicionales (Turkmenistán)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2017
EN: Traditional dresses of bearers of the element: turkmen women and girls
EN: A group of practitioners, performers with children's group of Kushtdepdi rite of singing and dancing
EN: Training of amateurs for dancing skills of the element
EN: Starting of the Kushtdepdi rite by performance of poetry at sitting position
EN: Introduction movements into the Kushtdepdi rite performance
EN: Expression of good wishes by Young performers of the Kushtdepdi rite
EN: Expression of good wishes by elder bearers and practioners of the element
EN: Prefinal dancing movements and emotions at performing of the Kushtdepdi rite
EN: Common view of the singing and dancing circle of the element including singers and dancers
EN: Ending of the Kushtdepdi rite of singing and dancing with praying to the nature