La tradición de preparar y compartir la "dolma", signo… (Azerbaiyán)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2017
EN: Gathering grapevine leaves for preparing one of the types of dolma – yarpaq dolmasi
EN: Storing leaves in jars for dolma preparation
EN: Mother showing to daughter how to wrap dolma fillings
EN: Mixing up ingredients
EN: Wrapping technique for yarpaq dolmasi
EN: Preparing yarpaq dolmasi
EN: Moment of bringing family and guests around the table to taste dolma
EN: Yarpaq dolmasi – grapevine leaves dolma
EN: Other type of dolma preparations – badimcan dolmasi (vegetable or assorti dolma)
EN: Other type of dolma preparations – kelem dolmasi (cabbage leaves dolma)