La artesanía tradicional de tapices murales en Rumania y… (República de Moldova, Rumania)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2016
EN: Carpet workshop of the Australis Prod SRL society in Bechet, Dolj County, Romania, 2014
EN: Adela Petre weaver, Buzău, and her wall-carpet collection, 'Dimitrie Gusti' National Village Museum, Romania, 2013
EN: Carpet weaving on the horizontal loom, Varvara Todici, Târgu Neamţ, Romania, 2014
EN: Floarea Maxim weaver, Tudora, Botoşani, Romania, 2015
EN: Household interior from Bârsana, Maramureş, Romania, 2015
EN: Olga Pasat, a weaver from craft centre 'Rustic Art' Clişova Nouă, 2014
EN: Spinning of woolen threads, Lucia Leonte, Ignăţei, the Republic of Moldova, 2014
EN: Exposing carpets in the sun, Clişova Nouă, the Republic of Moldova, 2014
EN: Ecaterina Popescu presents wool coloured with natural pigments, Clişova Nouă, the Republic of Moldova, 2014
EN: Tint plants for dyeing woolen threads, Tatiana Popa, the Republic of Moldova, 2014