Al-Razfa, arte escénico tradicional (Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Omán)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2015
EN: Al-Razfa performance at the Janadriya Festival in February 2014 attracted a large turnout of citizens of Saudi Arabia
EN: An elder performer teaching young children Al-Razfa in Abu Dhabi Traditional Handicraft Festival
EN: H.H. Sheikh Tahnoon Bin Mohamed Al-Nahyan, the representative of Abu Dhabi ruler in the eastern region, performing Al-Razfa in Al-Ain, UAE
EN: Young girls participating in Al-Razfa, dancing and swinging their long hair in tune to the strong beat of music, UAE
EN: Omani performers of Al-Razfa in an event in March 2014
EN: Omani Juwaila move their sticks from side to side in time with the rhythm of the music
EN: Performing Al-Razfa at the third Oman Folk Festival (2014) in Sohar Province. During the festival they announced the nomination of Al-Razfa as a multinational file with UAE for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
EN: During the 1990’s, drums were introduced and in this century, electronic keyboards were added. This has become popular, especially with the younger generation. The photo shows traditional Razfat Al-Harbiya troupe performing with an electronic keyboard, Al-Ain, UAE.
EN: Omani community members, researchers and heritage bearers participating in a workshop organized by the Ministry of Culture and Heritage in 2014
EN: Signing support letters for Al-Razfa nomination to the Representative List during a workshop organized by TCA Abu Dhabi and the Ministry of Culture, Sultanate of Oman