La Slava, celebración de la fiesta del santo patrón de… (Serbia)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2014
EN: Consecration of the family Slava cakes in the church
EN: Ritual cutting of the family Slava cakes crosswise in the church on St. Nikola’s Day (Nikoljdan).
EN: Prayer and consecration of the Slava cake at home, on St. Dimitrios’ Day (Mitrovdan), the day of the family patron saint.
EN: The ritual of cutting the Slava cake crosswise, performed in the family with the priest on St. Dimitrios’ Day (Mitrovdan).
EN: Host, hostess and their heirs are cutting the Slava cake crosswise on the St. Nicolas’ Day (Nikoljdan), their family patron saint’s day.
EN: Hostess performs ritual decoration of the family Slava cake with small branch of basil.
EN: The sale of the Slava candles and other accessories used in the Slava ritual (candle holders, incense, cressets, etc.) at a green market in Leskovac.
EN: The Slava feast on the day of the family patron saint.
EN: Ritual blowing out of the Slava candle with family members at the ending of the feast.
EN: Educational workshop for children in the Museum of Bread in Pecinci, on the importance of the Slava cake in traditional ritual of celebrating family patron saint's day.