La artesanía del cobre de Lahij (Azerbaiyán)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2015
EN: Copper craftsman-misger at his workshop
EN: Copper craftsman-misger decorating a copper plate
EN: Apprentice learning the skills of decoration
EN: Apprentice learning the skills of decoration
EN: Craftsman Keblemi Aliyev and his apprentice hammering copper
EN: Craftsman Keblemi Aliyev and his apprentice in a copper workshop
EN: Apprentice of craftsman Keblemi Aliyev assisting in copper smelting
EN: A young girl using huge copper jars to fill and carry spring water
EN: Copper plates exhibited for sale at a facade of a copper craftsman's workshop
EN: Copper craftsman Nazar Aliyev working on a piece of copperware outside his workshop