El silbo turco (Turquía)
Candidatura: Lista de Salvaguardia Urgente 2017
EN: The steep mountains, rugged topography and dispersed settlements of the region where is used whistled language
EN: Nedim Küçük, bearer of the element, communicating with other bearers across the river through using whistled language
EN: Father Mustafa Civelek and his daughter Muazzez Köçek, who are bearers of the whistled language
EN: Mustafa Civelek, one of the oldest bearer of the Kuşköy village
EN: The signboard on the left side in the photo writes 'Welcome to the Kuşköy, Homeland of the Birds Language'. Kuşköy is meaning 'bird village'. Name of the village shows that community perceive the element as their cultural belonging and identity
EN: Community Education Center in Çanakçı district has been providing training programs on whistled language to primary school students in the villages since 2014
EN: Girls who learned whistled language in Community Education Center
EN: General View of the Bird Language Festival in 2014. The Bird Language Festival has been held in Kuşköy, a village in Çanakçı district of Giresun since 1997
EN: Erol Civelek, who has been winning first place in the 'Best Speaker of Whistled Language' competition that has been held as part of Bird Language Festival for the last eight years
EN: Bearers, when they are writing consent letters for Whistled language nomination file