El canto xoan de la provincia de Phú Thọ (Viet Nam) (Viet Nam)
Candidatura: Lista de Salvaguardia Urgente 2011
EN: Performance of King-worship singing
EN: Wooden carved board Dance in Xoan singing at Hùng Lô communal house, Hùng Lô commune, Việt Trì city, Phú Thọ province
EN: Mó cá singing – the item in the festive singing of Xoan communities
EN: Ms. Phan Thị Diệm and folk artists of many generations from Kim Đái Xoan guilds, Kim Đức commune, Việt Trì city, Phú Thọ province, teaching the youth Xoan singing.
EN: Mr. Lê Xuân Ngũ – the leader of Phù Đức Xoan guild, Kim Đức commune, Việt Trì city, Phú Thọ province, teaching the youth Xoan singing and dance
EN: Ms. Nguyễn Thị Lịch - the leader of An Thái Xoan guild, Kim Đức commune, Việt Trì city, Phú Thọ province, teaching the youth in the guild to know how to sing Xoan
EN: Eight out of 31 folk artists, who practiced Xoan before 1945, still having good health to teach Xoan singing
EN: Folk artists and organizations’ representatives, participating in the training class of inventorying Xoan singing of Phú Thọ province at Kim Đức commune, Việt Trì city in 2010
EN: Communities’ representatives, signing the commitment document to Promotion and Preservation of Xoan singing of Phú Thọ under the witness of the representatives from some national agencies, Phú Thọ province, and Vĩnh Phúc province
EN: Mr. Nguyễn Minh Triết – the President of Socialist Republic of Vietnam, giving regard to the folk artists of Kim Đái Xoan guild in Kim Đức commune, Việt Trì city, Phú Thọ province
EN: Performance of King-worship singing -a ritual celebrated annually at Xoan singing guilds in Phu Tho province
EN: Wooden carved board Dance in Xoan singing at Hung Lo communal house, Hung Lo commune, Viet Tri city, Phu Tho province.
EN: Mó cà (Groping fish) singing - the item in the festive singing of Xoan communities performed by the youth of An Thai Xoan guild in Kim Duc commune, Viet Tri city, Phu Tho province
EN: Mrs. Phan Thi Diem and folk artists of many generations from Kim Dai Xoan guild, Kim Duc commune, Viet Tri city,teaching the youth Xoan singing.
EN: Mr. Le Xuan Ngu - the leader of Phu Duc Xoan guild, Kim Duc commune, Viet Tri city, Phu Tho province, teaching the youth Xoan singing and dance at his own house.
EN: Bói Xoan guild born in 1932, transmitting dances in Xoan singing to his neighboring children.
EN: Eight out of thirty one folk artists, who practiced Xoan singing before 1945, still having good health to teach Xoan singing in the community.
EN: Folk artists and organizations' representatives, participating in the training class of Inventorying Xoan singing of Phu Tho province in Kim Duc commune, Viet Tri city, Phu Tho province
EN: Communities' representatives, signing the commitment to Promotion and Preservation of Xoan singing of Phu Tho under the witness of the representatives from some national agencies, Phu Tho and Vinh Phuc provinces at the conference Inventorying Xoan singing of Phu Tho.
EN: Mr. Nguyen Minh Triet - the President of Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, giving regard to the folk artists of Kim Doi Xoan guild in Kim Duc commune, Viet Tri city, Phu Tho province.