Chinese Zhusuan, knowledge and practices of arithmetic… (China)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2011
EN: Abacus with a string of seven bamboo wood beads, was common used in the 1980s
EN: Rhombus-bead abacus with a string of five beads is common used in nowadays
EN: One of the Chinese Zhusuan literature--Additions and deletions of The Collection of Algorithms, Mei Juecheng, mathematician in the Qing Dynasty '(AD 1681 - 1763)
EN: "China Abacus Museum" located in Nantong city, Jiangsu province of China (built in 2004)
EN: A salesman of Chinese herbal medicine shop is in the process of Chinese medicine formula by Zhusuan
EN: A salesman in the silk shop of Shanghai is calculating the volume of business by abacus.
EN: Former residence of Chang Dawei (built in 1515) in the city of Huangshan, Anthui province of China takes abacus as its building component and decoration
EN: China has a custom of telling children's fortune by placing various daily necessities before them and letting them choose one on their first birthday to predict their future lives.
EN: Wang Weida, one of the Representative individual heirs to Chinese Zhusuan, is teaching Abacus and Abacus-based Mental Arithmetic
EN: Children are learning mental arithmetic in a kindergarden of Huangshan, Anhui province of China