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Elemento La práctica del ‘then’ por los grupos étnicos tày, nùng y thái de Viet Nam (Viet Nam)
Inscrito en 2019 (14.COM) en la Lista Representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad
Título EN: The musical instruments, clothes, and objects used in a Then rite performed by Male Then Master Lưu Đình Bạo (born in 1942, the Tày people) in Dương Quang commune, Bắc Kạn province: 1. The Tính tẩu lute, 2. Singing, 3. Dress, 4. a picture hung in front of the tray of Master Then, 5. Tintinnabulum, 6. Drill, 7. Mèn (bell), 8. Tag, 9. The con niêng (reserved for the senior Then Master), 10. sword, 11. seal, 12. a pair of Thẻn coins