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Elemento La pintura decorativa de Petrykivka, expresión del arte popular ornamental ucraniano (Ucrania)
Inscrito en 2013 (8.COM) en la Lista Representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad
Título EN: Decorative panel picture, Maria Tykhonivna Shyshatska. 1976. Paper, tempera
Título tal como sometido EN: А demonstrative example of paper ''painting" with the use of а floral decoгative ornament chaгacteгistic of the Petrykivka style of painting. The author of this work is М. Т. Shyshatska гepresenting а geneгation of the masteгs of the Petrykivka style of painting of the eighties of the ХХth century.