Periodic reporting

On Urgent Safeguarding List elements

Al Azi, art of performing praise, pride and fortitude poetry



Al Sadu, traditional weaving skills in the United Arab Emirates



More details 

Key references

Ratification of the Convention on

2 May 2005

Committee Member

United Arab Emirates (2006 - 2010)
United Arab Emirates (2024 - 2028)

Listing of ICH

Majlis, a cultural and social space
Majlis, a cultural and social space (2015, RL)
On-going nomination(s)
  • 2025: Arabic Kohl (RL)

  • 2025: Al Ahalla, a living performing art in the United Arab Emirates (RL)

  • 2025: La zaffa dans le mariage traditionnel (RL)

Files pending priority ‘0’ treatment
  • Bisht (men's Abaa): skills and practices (RL)

  • Oud instrument: practices, skills and performing arts (RL)

  • Art et traditions de bâtir en terre (RL)

  • Al Saafiyat and plant fibers: craft and social traditions (RL)


Mr Awadh Ali SALEH<br />
Advisor for International Cultural Cooperation, Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage

Mr Awadh Ali SALEH
Advisor for International Cultural Cooperation, Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage

See all interviews 