Latest news and events
Periodic reporting
On the implementation of the Convention
15/12/2023 (under process)
On Urgent Safeguarding List elements
Wosana ritual and associated practices
Seperu folkdance and associated practices
Dikopelo folk music of Bakgatla ba Kgafela in Kgatleng District
Earthenware pottery-making skills in Botswana’s Kgatleng District
Key references
Ratification of the Convention on
1 April 2010Read the Convention in: [name_language]
Committee Member
Committee Member
Botswana (2020 - 2024)Listing of ICH
Sustaining Seperu folk dance and associated practices
Amount (US$) 94,447
Strengthening capacities for periodic reporting under the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Africa
Amount (US$) 250,000
Strengthening sub-regional cooperation and national capacities in the countries of Southern African sub-region
Amount (US$) 59,571
Strengthening sub-regional cooperation and national capacities in seven Southern African countries for implementing the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (Phase III)
Amount (US$) 117,467
Strengthening sub-regional cooperation and national capacities in the countries of Southern African sub-region
Amount (US$) 51,114
Promotion of earthen ware pottery-making skills in Kgatleng district
Amount (US$) 68,261
Strengthening sub-regional cooperation and national capacities in seven Southern African countries for implementing the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Part II
Amount (US$) 250,000
Strengthening sub-regional cooperation and national capacities in seven Southern African countries for implementing the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
Amount (US$) 250,000
Strengthening national capacities for effective safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Botswana, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Amount (US$) 399,785
A series of pilot projects in community-based intangible heritage inventorying on a grassroots-level in six selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa
Amount (US$) 275,000