The following documents are extracted from the UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws (‘natlaws’), filtering on the category ‘intangible cultural heritage’. For more information, broader searchs or to submit new documents, please consult NatLaws website.

2006Regulatory establishing the missions, composition and crucial issues of the functioning of the Advice Bodies within the scope of the DecreeFrench
2003Regulatory on the Titles of Living Cultural Treasure and Master Pieces of the Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage and on the subventions granted to persons so awarded and to the operators organizing such demonstrationsFrench
2002Decree on Movable Cultural Properties and Intangible Heritage of the French Community of BelgiumFrench
1998Dutch | French (n.o.)
1998Décret du gouvernement flamand fixant les règles relatives à l'octroi d'une aide financière pour des publications dans le domaine de la culture populaireDutch