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Element Nôgaku theatre (Japan)
Inscribed in 2008 (3.COM) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (originally proclaimed in 2001)
Title EN: Nôgaku plays vividly depict supernatural beings and ordinary people centuries ago, distinguished through various masks used for the roles of ghosts, heroes, men and women, children and old people. The principal form of Japanese theatre, Nôgaku has influenced puppet theatre as well as Kabuki.
Title FR: Le Nôgaku met en scène des êtres surnaturels et le petit peuple du Moyen Âge, personnages portant un masque particulier selon leur rôle : fantôme, héros, homme, femme, enfant ou vieillard. Principale forme du théâtre japonais, le Nôgaku a influencé le théâtre de marionnettes et le Kabuki.
Title ES: El teatro Nôgaku describe con gran vivacidad a seres sobrenaturales y personas comunes de tiempos remotos, utilizando diversas máscaras para caracterizar a espíritus y héroes, hombres y mujeres, niños y ancianos. Principal forma teatral japonesa, el Nôgaku ha influido en el teatro de títeres y en el Kabuki.