Implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Bhutan
14 - 18 May 2012Paro (Bhutan)
Sixth Annual Regional meeting on Intangible Cultural Heritage in South-East Europe
10 - 11 May 2012Athens (Greece)
Botswana takes another step to safeguard its living heritage with the training of community members and government officials
23 - 27 April 2012Gaborone (Botswana)
Efforts of safeguarding Nepal’s intangible cultural heritage initiated to with the support of UNESCO/Japan Fund-in-Trust
16 - 20 April 2012Kathmandu (Nepal)
Institutional Capacity Building for the Implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural...
11 - 17 April 2012Porto-Novo (Benin)
Capacity-Building on the Implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Timor-Leste
10 - 14 April 2012Dili (Timor-Leste)
Kazakhstan: A new State Party to the 2003 Convention on the road to safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage.
6 - 10 April 2012Astana (Kazakhstan)
Consultation on Complementary Additional Programme for Intangible Cultural Heritage
30 March 2012Paris (France)
Zambia hosts workshop to strengthen capacity to safeguard its living heritage
26 - 30 March 2012Lusaka (Zambia)
Upgrading competencies on community-based inventorying of intangible cultural heritage and planning related national workshops
23 - 25 March 2012Paris (France)
Zimbabwe mobilizes communities, traditional chiefs, academia and government officials to safeguard its intangible cultural...
19 - 23 March 2012Harare (Zimbabwe)
Malawi welcomes workshop on the implementation of the 2003 Convention to strengthen its capacity to safeguard its living heritage
12 - 16 March 2012Lilongwe (Malawi)