05/03/2008 - 06/03/2008

Following Kenya’s ratification of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in October 2007, the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture and Social Services and the UNESCO Office in Nairobi are jointly convening a two-day meeting on the implementation of the Convention.
Some sixty participants, representing ministries, provincial administrations, universities, non-governmental organizations and individuals working in the field of culture will attend the meeting.

The objectives of the workshop are to provide stakeholders with the information relating to the 2003 Convention and to discuss a national strategy for its implementation, with particular attention to the:

  • preparation of an inventory or inventories of intangible cultural heritage on Kenya’s territory;
  • preparation of nomination files to the Representative List and to the List of Intangible Heritage in Urgent Need of Safeguarding, and;
  • enhancement of the existing national mechanism, including the participation of communities, for promoting and safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage in Kenya.

Contacts: Fumiko Ohinata, Programme Specialist for Culture, UNESCO Nairobi Office and Silverse Anami, Director of Culture, Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture and Social Services.
