Cobza, traditional knowledge, skills and music (Republic of Moldova, Romania)
Nomination: Representative List 2025
EN: Playing cobza and dancing in the community of Poieni-Solca, Suceava (Romania)
EN: “Dor”, Youth folk ensemble from Moara-Suceava (Romania)
EN: Cobza player Marian Sandu from Videle-Teleorman (Romania)
EN: Cobza player Neculai Florea from Deleni-Iași (Romania)
EN: Cobza craftsman Gheorghe Bița from Sticlăria-Scobinți, Iași (Romania)
EN: Folkloric ensemble that participated in the project “Old folk instruments”, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
EN: Viorica Ciubotaru, cobza player, music teacher and head of folk bands
EN: Tudor Ungureanu and one cobzar from the Vorniceni village at the Museum “Vatra Cobzarului”, Căpriana village, Strășeni district
EN: Prof. Victor Botnaru and the craftsman Nicolae Dron in the workshop making cobze
EN: The Ethno-folkloric Ensemble “Ștefan Vodă” together with their admirers, at the National Museum pf Ethnography and Natural History, Republic of Moldova