Colombian-Venezuelan llano work songs (Colombia, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of))
Nomination: Urgent Safeguarding List 2017
EN: The skills of llano work and its associated songs, learned by imitation and practice from childhood, accustom the cattle to human presence for its optimal handling
EN: While milking, the melodious and intimate singing to the cow cements its relationship with the milker and favors its disposition for the chore
EN: The complexity of llano work includes tasks aimed at the sale of livestock and derived products, but also at domestic consumption
EN: The productive and playful dimensions of the llano work songs motivate the participation of adults, youth and children according to the complexity of each task
EN: Safeguarding the llano work songs is a bi-national effort, so that new generations may appreciate, make their contribution and engage in dialogue about the knowledge, memories and ways of life of their shared llanero identity
FR: En souvenir d'autrefois
EN: In Colombia and Venezuela, llano work is in harmony with the environment and local way of life, and has been enriched by the songs and sounds performed during cattle herding and milking
EN: The herding of the cattle in the open savannas of the Colombo-Venezuelan Llanos is accompanied bi singing, shouting, whistling and japeos (yelps)
EN: In the transport of the herd, the song of the cabrestero (halter man) leads the way; the cattle respond to it, driven by vaqueros (cowboys) whose position in the group define them as punteros (led men), traspunteros (middle men) or culateros (rear men)
EN: The characteristic sunsets of the vast region of the Llanos have inspired countless songs, lyrics, poems and artistic works in both countries