Regional Centres for Craftsmanship: a strategy for… (Austria)
Nomination: Register of Good Safeguarding Practices 2016
EN: The 'Werkraum House' designed by Peter Zumthor and built by regional craftsmen/-women
EN: The 'Werkraum' introduces visitors and clients to the art and knowledge of traditional handicraft
EN: Official Board Meeting of the Craftsmen/-women of Werkraum Bregenzerwald
EN: Apprentices of the Werkraum Bregenzerwald participating in the transmission programmes at the centre
EN: The Centre for Regional Handicraft ('Hand.Werk.Haus Salzkammergut') in Bad Goisern
EN: Craftsmen/-women like Master Turner Herbert Schenner seek to transit handicraft techniques and knowledge of the material to the next generation
EN: The joiner Ernst Maier, member of the 'Hand.Werk.Haus Salzkammergut', working with a whittling knife on a shaving horse
EN: Students working on table-looms in the hand weaving studio of the Textile Center Haslach, creating seat pads out of waste materials
ES: Alumnos trabajando con telares en el estudio de tejido a mano del Centro Textil Haslach para fabricar almohadillas de asientos con materiales de desecho
EN: Member of stuff of the Manufaktur Haslach in the Textile Center Haslach who is producing felted slippers out of wool of local sheep
EN: Workshop with children of the local school who visit the Textile Center Haslach and weave together a woolen carpet as a collaboration project