Raosanling, a ritualized cultural space of the Bai peopleā¦ (China)
Nomination: Representative List 2011
EN: The Bai villagers receive the Third Princess, third daughter of the king of the legendary Bai Kingdom, back from Weishan to Dali
EN: Bai villagers living in and around Erhai lake basin converge and proceed along the country road to Chongshegn Temple, the Capital of Buddhism
EN: Bai villagers carry the tablets or miniature statues of their village patron gods to pay tribute to the Central Patron God.
EN: Sun-shaped Taiyanggao, pasted on the temples of the ritual participants, are the marker of Raosanling
EN: Ritual participants attending Raosanling dance and sing outside the Capital of Deities in the Qingdong village
EN: Even after nightfall, groups of Bai villagers gather under trees to sing lewel lyrics to their former or potential lovers as a sign to show their lovesickness
EN: The Bai villagers offer sacrifice in front of the Capital of Deilies and piously chant scriptures hoping to gain safety and good health for their family members in the coming year.
EN: Bai villagers, following their ""hualiulaoren" (an old man or woman singing and dancing lewdly with willow branches in hand), dance and sing as they proceed
EN: With the lead of the "hualiulaoren". Bai villagers pray for good harvest in front of the Temple of Nine Deities in Xizhou
EN: Exhausted from singing and dancing Bai villagers dwell in temple of village patron god at night