The following documents are extracted from the UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws (‘natlaws’), filtering on the category ‘intangible cultural heritage’. For more information, broader searchs or to submit new documents, please consult NatLaws website.

2006Integracion del Regimen Artistico al Estatuto de Servicio Civil, Ley N. 1581, mediante la adicion de un Titulo IVSpanish
2006Law 8560 concerning the approval of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Spanish
2003Organic law of the national system of cultural radio and television (SINART): law Nº 8346, 12 February 2003Spanish
2003Law 8394 concerning the celebration of "DÍA NACIONAL DEL SABANERO"Spanish
2003Proyecto de Ley: Ley de premios nacionalesSpanish
2001Proyecto de ley: Aprobacion de la Convencion iberoamericana de derechos de los jovenesSpanish
1992Law 7243 on tax exemption for musical instrumentsSpanish
1979Reglamento de la Comision nacional de Conmemoraciones historicasSpanish
1965Law 3632 concerning the National TheaterSpanish