Red Arrayán de Cultura, Patrimonio y Medio Ambiente


Contacto: +34 652 926 765
Dirección de correo postal: Calle Hastial, no. 8 San Esteban de la Sierra E-37671 Salamanca
Cobertura geográfica de la experiencia de la ONG: España


Fecha de creación: 1996

Medidas de salvaguardia:

- identificación, documentación, investigación (inventarios incluidos)
- preservación, protección
- promoción, valorización
- transmisión, enseñanza (no-)formal
- revitalisación
- otro
- Innovation and Study of new applications in design of interest to today's society.

Principales áreas de trabajo relacionadas con la Convención:

It is the first non-industrial cross-sectoral cluster to be developed in rural Spain, in which different professionals, organizations, administrations and companies from the sectors of handicrafts, tourism, trade and quality local products are grouped together, with the common objective of revitalizing rural territories through the value of resources and rural heritage, generating new possibilities for development and projection linked to heritage values in the 21st century.


Its objectives are based as a priority on the recognition and value of the Personal, Natural and Cultural Heritage of territorial ecosystems in the rural environment. • Based on the cultural of cooperation, not only as a concept, but as a space for analysis, research and shared projection, from where innovative projects adapted to the reality of the context that organically and integrally benefit the Community are generated and developed. • Enhancing the discovery of personal talents related to creativity, art and knowledge of craft trades, as well as their linkage with other closely related sectors such as tourism, digital and ecological transformation and the boost of cultural and creative industries. • Always taking into account the framework of environmental, social, cultural and economic sustainability in full alignment with the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda.


Since its establishment in 1996, with the support of the Spanish Foundation for Crafts and other companies and administrations, the Red Arrayan Organization has developed and participated in different individual and cooperation projects at the local, regional, national and international levels.